Helping Yourself to Cope with Grief

Helping Yourself to Cope with Grief

Grief is the natural reaction to a loss of a loved one and may be a very different experience for each person. When someone close to you dies, a period of grief is natural and is part of the healing process. Here are some of the ways to help you cope with loss as you move through your personal grief process.


Face the fact

To overcome grief, you must accept and confront the pain you are experiencing. Trying to escape from feelings of sadness and loss only prolongs the grieving process. If grief is not dealt with properly, it can lead to additional problems, such as depression, anxiety, and other health issues.

Don't let anyone or yourself tell you how to feel

Nobody should tell you when to stop grieving or forget about your pain. You are free to feel however you want without regard for the opinions of others. It's okay to express yourself; when you're angry with something, when you want to cry your heart out, or even when you don't want to cry at all. It's even okay for you to be happy and laugh, and to move on from your grief when you're ready.

Commemorate your loved one

Create a scrapbook or photo book of all your memories together to remember him/her; express your loss in words by writing them down in your diary or in your blog; or participate in activities that was important to him/her.

Take care of your own physical and mental health

The mind and body are inseparable. When our bodies are physically healthy, our mental health improves as well. To deal with the stress and fatigue caused by grief, you should get enough rest, eat a well-balanced diet, and exercise. Never, ever use alcohol or drugs to numb the pain of a loved one's death.

Have friends and family members be there for you

When faced with the death of a loved one, it is critical to rely on those who care for you rather than trying to be strong on your own. Keep them close to you rather than pushing them away, and accept rather than reject their assistance. Many times, people are unsure how to show care or help; you will need to let them know what you require – for example, assistance with funeral arrangements or simply a listening ear.

Find comfort from your religious beliefs

Religious beliefs and spiritual practises that are important to you, such as praying or going to church or temple, can provide you with much comfort when you are in need. You can talk to and seek assistance from religious leaders or fellow believers in your religious community.

Participate in relevant support group

You can find solace in sharing your grief with others who have suffered the same loss and learning how to cope from them, or simply receiving support from them.

Consult a therapist or grief counsellor

When the weight of grief becomes too much for you to bear, seek the assistance of a professional mental health therapist or a grief counsellor. These professionals can assist you in working through these intense emotions and eventually breaking free from your grief.