Funeral Services
Our funeral services packages come in different price range and are suitable for those of Taoist, Buddhist and Christian faiths. We can also customize the funeral arrangements according to individual needs to create an unforgettable and touching send-off.
Our dedicated staff who understands the funeral and customs of different faiths and cultures are committed to ensure that funeral arrangements are carried out seamlessly. We do this by listening, caring and guiding you through the arrangement process and take care of every detail so that you can focus on what's important ie. remembering a special life and healing.
Our funeral services package is not inclusive of Burial Plot or Urn Columbarium. Please refer to the Products section for more information.
Buddhist / Taoism Funeral Services
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
A) Embalmment Handling & Encoffin Service
- Reporting Death and Obtaining Burial Permit
- Securing Release of Remains
- Arterial Embalming / Dry Ice and Make Up Services
- Longevity Costume (1 set)
- 'Dharani' Blanket
- (i) Burial
- ST Blessed Burial Casket (1 unit) or
(ii) Cremation
- ST Blessed Cremation Casket * (1 unit)
- ST Blessed Urn * (1 unit)
- Cremation and Retrieval of Ashes *
B) Preparation of Memorial Ceremony
- Canopy (3 units x 16ft x 18ft) or Parlour (Small) (2 nights)
- Hanging Fan (6 units)
- Light (12 units)
- Table (10 units)
- Plastic Chair (100 units) - ST Blessed Majestic Altar
- Photo Enlargement and Photo Frame
- Location Direction Placards And Lanterns
- Mourning Garments & Socks (10 sets)
- Memorial Record Book (1 unit)
- Condolence Box (1 unit)
C) Coordination of Funeral Service & Memorial Ceremony
- Professional Consultation & Service Team (1 team)
- Wake Service Worker (7pm to 11pm) (2 workers for 2 nights)
- PA System
- Buddhist or Taoist Prayer Service (1 night)
- Offerings to The Deceased (Fruits and Vegetarian)(3 days 2 nights)
- Joss Sticks and Prayer Materials (1 set)
- Handcrafted Paper Model with Decorative Lights (1 set)
- Confectionary Gifts (100 sets)
- Drinking Water (10 cartons)
- Peanuts (20 packets)
D) Funeral Procession Service
- Sealing of Casket
- Son-In-Law Flag (1 unit)
- Emcee ( 1 person)
- Offerings to The Deceased (Immediate Family) (Fruits and Fa Gao) (1 set)
- Souvenir (30 sets)
- Hearse (1 unit, single trip)
E) Additional Products & Services
- Memorial Photo CD (1 piece)
F) After Care
- Reminder of 7th-day, 100th-day & 1st Anniversary
- * Item applicable for cremation package only.
- Use of parlour is subject to availability.
- This package is restricted to the radius of 40km from our location (''Restricted Area''). The Company reserves the right to impose additional charges for cases exercised beyond the Restricted Area.
- Prayers only cover Buddhist or Taoist (Small) (Hokkien / Hakka / Cantonese only).
- The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential losses in the event that the specified hearse or vehicle is not available as a result of circumstances beyond its control provided always that an alternative mode of conveyance or transport is made available.
- Items specified in the package are not exchangeable or refundable. No refund shall be allowed also in the event where performance of the funeral services are not possible due to the surrounding and/or environment of the home of purchaser or parlour.
- This package is for 3 days 2 nights service which includes the stated items only. Additional nights and/or additional items are subject to additional charges.
- Upgrading of items inclusive of change of hearse and/or casket and /or urn and others are allowed. It is based on availability of items and subject to additional charges.
- Local customary practice is subject to additional charges.
- Reporting death for Non-Malaysian Citizen subject to additional charges.
- If the package is utilized during Chinese New Year, it will subject to additional charges.
- Certain items are on rental basis only.
- Any fees related to burial incurred at customer's selected cemetery [hereinafter referred to as "Said Cemetery"] other than Sanctuary Memorial Park shall be borne by customer solely and is payable directly to the said Cemetery.
- This package excludes burial plot, urn compartment, ancestral tablet and tomb construction.
- The terms and conditions in English language shall prevail over Chinese language should any conflict arise in the interpretation of the terms and conditions.
Christian/Catholic Funeral Services
Design 1.0
Design 1.1
Design 2.0
Design 2.1
A) Embalmment Handling & Encoffin Service
- Reporting Death and Obtaining Burial Permit
- Securing Release of Remains
- Arterial Embalming / Dry Ice and Make Up Services
- 'Cross' Blanket
- (i) Burial
(ii) Cremation
B) Preparation of Memorial Ceremony
- Canopy (3 units x 16ft x 18ft) or Parlour (Small) (2 nights)
- Hanging Fan (6 units)
- Light (12 units)
- Table (10 units)
- Plastic Chair (100 units) - ST Care Majestic Altar
- Table Top Floral Decoration
- Photo Enlargement and Photo Frame
- Candles and Cross
- Location Direction Placards
- Mourning Garments (10 sets)
- Memorial Record Book (1 unit)
- Condolence Box (1 unit)
C) Coordination of Funeral Service & Memorial Ceremony
- Professional Consultation & Service Team (1 team)
- Wake Service Worker (7pm to 11pm) (2 workers for 2 nights)
- PA System
- Confectionary Gifts (100 sets)
- Drinking Water (10 cartons)
- Peanuts (20 packets)
D) Funeral Procession Service
- Sealing of Casket
- Flower Offering (20 stalks)
- Souvenir (30 sets)
- Hearse (1 unit, single trip)
E) Additional Products & Services
- Memorial Photo CD (1 piece)
- * Item applicable for cremation package only.
- Use of parlour is subject to availability.
- This package is restricted to the radius of 40km from our location (''Restricted Area''). The Company reserves the right to impose additional charges for cases exercised beyond the Restricted Area.
- The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential losses in the event that the specified hearse or vehicle is not available as a result of circumstances beyond its control provided always that an alternative mode of conveyance or transport is made available.
- Items specified in the package are not exchangeable or refundable. No refund shall be allowed also in the event where performance of the funeral services are not possible due to the surrounding and/or environment of the home of purchaser or parlour.
- This package is for 3 days 2 nights service which includes the stated items only. Additional nights and/or additional items are subject to additional charges.
- Upgrading of items inclusive of change of hearse and/or casket and /or urn and others are allowed. It is based on availability of items and subject to additional charges.
- Local customary practice is subject to additional charges.
- Reporting death for Non-Malaysian Citizen subject to additional charges.
- If the package is utilized during Chinese New Year, it will subject to additional charges.
- Certain items are on rental basis only.
- Any fees related to burial incurred at customer's selected cemetery [hereinafter referred to as "Said Cemetery"] other than Sanctuary Memorial Park shall be borne by customer solely and is payable directly to the said Cemetery.
- This package excludes burial plot, urn compartment, ancestral tablet and tomb construction.
- The terms and conditions in English language shall prevail over Chinese language should any conflict arise in the interpretation of the terms and conditions.
Funeral Parlour

Air-Conditioned Funeral Parlour

Other Services

Direct Cremation and Burial Funeral Services
Simple and direct cremation and burial services with no wake.

Funeral Services
For freethinkers without religious elements.

Upon the passing of individual, you may wish to send the deceased’s body back to their homeland.